
Update of the laundry capsules machine

The machine main frame has been done and will start to polishing it. 

Accurate filling pump for dosage filling use

"In the filling process of the capsules we need a special pump that can fill small quantity in short time accurately. The accurate filling pump is a solution for that.

After set up this target we have searched all kinds of pumps on the world too see if they are workable to our project. We do found some really good pumps like HIBAR system. But most of the are too expensive for the system to use. We start to use same theory to design a pumps for this case.


The pump using two check valves to make sure the liquid only goes from one direction to another. The screw at the back end can adjust the volume accuracy is 0.1ml. It's a very acceptable range for detergent filling. We tested this in the system and found it's really reliable and accurate. "



常州合拓环保科技有限公司成立于2015年,在此之前我们成立了一家位于香港的公司从事洗衣凝珠设备和产品的 研发。自公司成立至今我们一直努力希望这项技术可以走进普通人的生活,为环境带来改善。