How refill pods help to solve plastic pollution problems
Every year around the world we create more than 300 million tonnes of plastic – and half of this is single-use use. One of the worst offenders are plastic bottles, with a million of them sold every minute around the world–a figure that’s expected to grow by 20% by 2021.
While recycling was once touted as a viable solution to our plastic waste problem, new insights make it clear that much of our recycling is rejected and dumped or down-cycled into single-use products. Recycling should continue, but to create a sustainable future we must focus our efforts on reducing our use of single-use plastics. For many products, refill offers a solution that benefits the planet, business, and the consumer. So, why is refill such a promising solution?
- Refill reduces plastic waste
The average family purchases about 100 bottles of cleaning and personal care products every year. These products are then thrown away or placed into recycling bins. If even 10% of the US population switched to refill, we would save 1.26 billion bottles from ending up in landfills or our waterways.
- Refill reduces new plastic manufacturing
By refilling bottles instead of purchasing products in new plastic containers, we can reduce the manufacture of new plastic. The oil industry has plans to ramp up plastic production, but a switch to refill can stymie this by making new plastic packaging obsolete for many products.
- Refill saves consumers money
Too often, sustainable options are more pricey than convention options, causing low income consumers to struggle to make the change. Refill pods solve this problem by making refill more cost-effective than traditional purchasing methods. Without having to pay for the packaging, the cleaning products are cheaper than their packaged alternatives. This saves consumers money in the long run and removes the financial barrier many face when attempting to reduce their impact.
- Refill is convenient for consumers
We all know that unless a change is easy to make, many consumers will often not attempt or stick to it. With lfill pods system available at their home residences, refilling cleaning products is easier than going to the store. The benefit of this convenience is multiplied for senior residents or consumers who have limited access to transportation. When the sustainable choice is the easy choice, change can rapidly advance.
- Refill is beneficial for business
While consumers can commit to making lifestyle changes that reduce their waste, we need businesses on board to make these changes accessible to all. Refill kiosks offer businesses and property owners a new revenue stream and boost their property value, financially incentivizing them to implement the refill technology. Businesses also get the PR benefit of being able to market themselves as a “green” eco-conscious company. With the refill kiosk being offered for free to apartment complexes and residences like dorms, it is a sure bet for business and a win-win for the planet and consumers.