The misunderstanding of laundry capsule's viscosity

"When considering a detergent, its quality should be valued by its active matter in the formula. But this cannot be seen by end users. They judge the quality for its outlook, like color, viscosity, perfume strong or not. But these are misunderstanding of the products quality. As manufactures knows people usually think like this, they add some agent in the formula to achieve the result which end users wished. But the quality has not improved any bit.


Update of the laundry capsules machine

The machine main frame has been done and will start to polishing it. 

Accurate filling pump for dosage filling use

"In the filling process of the capsules we need a special pump that can fill small quantity in short time accurately. The accurate filling pump is a solution for that.

After set up this target we have searched all kinds of pumps on the world too see if they are workable to our project. We do found some really good pumps like HIBAR system. But most of the are too expensive for the system to use. We start to use same theory to design a pumps for this case.


The pump using two check valves to make sure the liquid only goes from one direction to another. The screw at the back end can adjust the volume accuracy is 0.1ml. It's a very acceptable range for detergent filling. We tested this in the system and found it's really reliable and accurate. "


Unimasses Group was established in 2012 when the laundry pod products were first introduced into the consumer market. The initial goal for the company was to design, engineer and build manufacturing systems for the detergent packaging industries with new technologies and materials. The facility in china now can produce special pods and provide enginering services for manufacturing.We are working on expanding our facility in Maryland, USA to offer our packaging services to variety of industries located in North America.