You might find the laundry pods in the super market from big brands are expensive and want to make your own. After a dig with google find out it’s not that difficult and give it a try. Results are not that welcome and yet you got home pretty mess. Why the DIY laundry pods won’t work?
The most ingregients of the DIY laundry pods are most likely to have things as below
Laundry bar soap
Super washing soda
Distilled White Vinegar
Large bowl
Ice cube tray or small silicone mold
Two of the most magical things usually used in the DIY cleaning product are washing soda and vinegar. In the list the soda can create an alkali water environment help the soap bar remove stain. Borax and oxi clean are things can bleach clothes make it looks whiter. It might work in some circumstance or as a hobby project but in general it’s not recommended to use in daily life.
The reason here is the alkali water means high PH value will some sort damage the faber of the cotton or other natural fiber. Vinegar added to formula will definitely reduce the performance since acid will react with alkali and forma salt cause the cloth get hard. One of the last thing is that make such DIY pods will cost your more than just buy a regular pods and it’s not anywhere safter than them.
The cleaning product in the factory are formulated by technical people and run full test to check it’s compatibility and performance in the right range. Make it safe to use but also be effective.
Brands product are expensive just because of they paid more money on advertisement and that is verily to be paid by who use it. Some private label brand in the shop might not be a bad choice.