Why the laundry pods get smaller
When the pods was introduced to market in US under Tide brand organically it’s 25g, after about 10 years time we start notice that the pods are getting smaller! Now the most popular size are around 13-15g and some extremely small pods weight only 5-8g. Why this happens ?
You might find the laundry pods in the super market from big brands are expensive and want to make your own. After a dig with google find out it’s not that difficult and give it a try. Results are not that welcome and yet you got home pretty mess. Why the DIY laundry pods won’t work?
The new trend in the detergent market is claims of being plant-based ingredient. Most traditional liquid detergents in the market are formulated using 10 or more ingredients. Each ingredient on itself or in combination will serve a certain purpose in the performance and functionality of the detergent.